I started up again on salsa lessons after discovering a dance studio right across the road from where I live, talk about convenience. I stopped by the studio and after meeting with the owner I was sold on their salsa classes. I love dancing and listening to salsa music so what better way to incorporate both at the same time? I have been taking the salsa classes offered at Mundial Dance which is the name of the studio three times a week in the evenings and I love them! plus they do play some good music as well so that's another bonus. I have a good rapport with the folks who work at the studio and it's always nice chatting with them whenever I have classes. You can find out more about Mundial Dance here.
Here I am with the owner to my right and his cousin to my left. The owner also happens to be a musician and entertainer who travels quite a bit because of his line of work. He also trains other dancers who want to advance to the professional level.
In addition to my dance classes I managed to get myself an internship. I stopped by this travel agency that I was already familiar with, I wanted to see if they had any day trips that I hadn't taken before but turns out I have already visited most of the places that are included in their day trips. The owner Luis, is a really cool and funny guy so we ended up chatting for quite a while and he mentioned that one of his interns at the agency will no longer be working with him as he wants to take some time off to travel within Ecuador. I asked him if he needed another intern and offered my services, he agreed and told me I could come in and work for him. I will be learning more about the tourism industry and on occasion I will also be going on some tours offered by the company to see how the trips are and what we can improve on.
After working as an Accountant for the past 7 years I want to gain new experiences in a totally different field so why not a travel related field right? considering traveling is one of my greatest passions, who knows where these new skills will lead me to.
Here I am with Luis my new boss and the owner of the travel agency.
My new office and one of my co-workers including Luis. Everyone is super cool in the office and the whole vibe is very relaxed and casual which I like a lot. Check out Luis Tipan Travel for your travel needs within Ecuador.
I am still volunteering at the organization I mentioned in my last post and still taking Spanish classes. As you can see, this girl is keeping busy!
That's it folks, my posts may not be as frequent as before but hang in there won't you?
Random Thoughts of The Day:
Right now I am learning the subjunctive in Spanish and it's been quite a challenge trying to grasp it especially remembering when to use it in conversations.
So my internship at the travel agency includes lunch and occasional free trips. I think I mentioned the free trips part earlier on.
I finally came across one of my favorite fruits here in Quito. Remember when I was in Peru I wrote about chirimoya? once I got to Quito I looked for the fruit in the various fruit stalls and markets within the city but I was told it was not in season. Today when I went to buy fruits at my regular fruit shop, I came across chirimoya and the lady told me they get their supplies every Friday. You best believe I plan on taking advantage of this.
I casually mentioned to my boyfriend that he has a nice body and should consider modeling to supplement his income. He mulled over this for like a hot second before deciding we should look up modeling agencies in Quito for the heck of it. We submitted some pictures that I had taken of him to one of the agencies that seemed bigger than the rest and we didn't expect anything to come off of it. You can imagine our surprise when we got a response back stating that he fits their requirements perfectly and they have put him in their data base so if any work comes up they will be calling him pronto. Now the dude has been walking around with an extra bounce to his step and has become quite obsessed with the mirror. I think I may have opened pandora's box.
Ask and ye shall receive, okay you will not receive all the time but it's worth asking anyway. Got the rate of my spanish classes reduced, got our rent reduced and got my salsa classes drastically reduced considering the owner of the studio is the one who is teaching me and his rate is crazy high compared to the dance instructors who work for him. What can I say? ask and ye shall receive.............or maybe I just happen to have a way with words, either way I am happy with the results.
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